This is a simple interface between a 9 pin PlayStation controller and an Arduino. Supplies 3.3V to controller. Simple voltage dividers drop 5V ardui...
Breaks out ESP-01 form factor 8 pin header to breadboard, etc. V2.0 NOT YET TESTED!!!
Made for the Perth Artifactory.
- 3V3 regulator circuit. Suppl...
LCD adapter for "GPSshieldV07".
Convers 1 x 16 pin header (for 2 x 16 char LCD) to 2 x 8 pin header (for 2 x 8 char LCD).
Second iteration NOT TESTE...
Updated version GPS shield specifically for the Ct-30 SiRF Star III GPS receiver module by "ConnectTec". Includes header for standard 2 x 16 LCD. 3rd ...
Backpack for an HD44780 controlled LCD using a 74HC595 shift register to drive with 3 Arduino pins instead of 7.
There are several Arduino libraries ...
Backpack for an HD44780 controlled LCD using a 74HC595 shift register to drive with 3 Arduino pins instead of 7.
There are several Arduino libraries ...