China virtual mailbox

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China forwarding

Ship stuff to our office and we'll include it with your next order!

  • Samples from suppliers that don't ship outside China
  • Small stuff from Alibaba that isn't worth a dedicated, expensive DHL shipment
  • Taobao purchases* consolidated and shipped Airmail or DHL

For a flat fee per parcel we accept your items, consolidate them, and ship them with your next order.

*We DO NOT purchase Taobao items for you. You can buy stuff yourself with an international credit card though, and we will forward it to you.

Fill basic information about the parcel:

  • Customs description – What is inside the box? This will go on the customs declaration
  • Total value – The total value of the contents in United States Dollars (USD). This will go on the customs declaration
  • Total weight – Estimate the total weight of the package contents. This is used to estimate shipping, we can make adjustments later if needed
  • Product link – This is for your reference and to assist in any customs issues. We DO NOT purchase Taobao items for you

Purchase 1 China Forward for each parcel we receive. For example:

  • 1 parcel with 1 item = 1 China Forward = $3
  • 1 parcels with 50 items = 1 China Forward = $3
  • 2 parcels with 13 items each = 2 China Forward = $6
  • 15 parcels with 1 item each = 15 China Forward = $45

After checkout you'll get a China Forward virtual mailbox code. Find it here.

Put a unique China Forward virtual mailbox code on the address label of every parcel we receive on your behalf. Have your parcel sent to our office.

You get notice when each parcel arrives. When everything arrives we open each parcel, package it carefully into a single box, and forward it with any other items in your order.

Estimating the weight can be a challenge. Enter your best guess. We will issue a refund or require additional payment as needed prior to shipping.

You can combine China Forwarding with other items in the same order if you like. You may also buy China Forwarding alone.

Orders ship only when all parcels have been received. If you have other things in your order like PCBs, 3D prints, or normal store items, your order will ship only when complete.

1 China Forward virtual mailbox code = 1 parcel. Parcels without a virtual mailbox code will ALWAYS be refused and returned to sender. Each code is good for one parcel only, duplicates will be refused and returned to sender.

10KG+ please warn us ahead of time. 20KG+ please email for 3-4 day FedEx air freight prices.

This service is designed so you can combine component samples from your suppliers with your next PCB order. There's a lot of things we won't or can't ship:

  • Liquids, gels, aerosols, compressed gas
  • Food, plants, seeds, anything that is or was living, etc
  • Fireworks, flammables, anything remotely dangerous
  • Lithium batteries or products that contain them
  • Fakes, knock offs
  • Major brand names (even if you can prove they are genuine)
  • Things you can't bring on the plane or carry through customs

It goes without saying: don't dare send anything considered illegal, immoral, or indecent in China, USA, Hong Kong, or your own jurisdiction. We will turn it over to the proper authority immediately.

We DO NOT purchase stuff on Taobao for you

This is a forwarding service only. We do not and never will purchase stuff on Taobao for you. You can sign up for your own Taobao account and purchase things with an international credit card. Send them to us and we will forward them to you.

Get a Taobao account and pay with an international credit card

Foreigners can open Taobao accounts and pay with an international credit card (up to 2000RMB per order), but sellers still don't ship outside China. If you're slightly daring you can skip the expensive and unreliable the Taobao purchasing agents and ship your packages to us. We will have a tutorial on starting the account and payment soon.

Include the China Forward virtual mailbox code in the address field (eg CF-00):


Dangerous Prototypes (CF-00)
A1106 Qunxing guangchang (plaza)
Huaqiangbei, Futian
Shenzhen, China 518000

Phone: +86 (0)755 2266 3101


深圳市福田区园岭街道红荔路38号群星广场A座1106 (CF-00)