RGBFighter : ESP-01 Pixel
Design by: 3748

Micro ESP-01 board for addressable pixel control, suits to every place and mostly to any needs! Only a power bank and a smartphone are needed and you are ready to go with your mobile setup.
- Small : +- 14x32mm & Lightweight : +- 4gr
- ESP8266 based (Support for Arduino)
- Designed for common LED Strips like WS2812 with level shifting
- Connection over 2,54 mm 3 Pin for direct soldering, JST or screw terminal (Version Strip or Panel)
- Power and Progamming over USB (CP2102 nodeMCU design)
- User Input for One Button OR IR Receiver
- WLED compatible
- Inspirations from Adafruit, Sparkfun and many others
Designed in Eagle, in a messy way! Sorry