ATMega128A - 2.2 inch TFT - Bluetooth - 7 x Mosfet PWM
ATMega128A TFT Board built for less than $10. All components selected to be hand solder-able.
WIKI to come later once I get some code sorted.
---- Features;
Atmega128A/AT90CAN128 running 8Mhz @ 2.8v, 2.2" 320x240 8-bit TFT LCD, HC05 Bluetooth Module for communication & firmware updates, AT25DF321A (32Mbit) Flash Memory for datalogging & LCD characters, 7 x DMN2075U-7 4.2A Mosfet drivers on PWM outputs, 8 Analogue + 8 digital inputs with voltage divider or filters (2 x resistors for voltage divide, 1 x res & 1 x cap for filtering). Regulators - MIC5205-2.8 (2.8v), Mosfet Diodes - BAT760 (1A SOD323) ----