Climate control with analog and digital in/out features
Design by: 8508
- Pressure and temperature sensor bmp180
- Humidity and temperature DHT22
- CO2 MG810 sensor with analog conditioning circuit
- NEXTION touch screen up to 5 inches
- COM PORT with both 12V and 3V lines
- Bluetooth HM10 or HC05 (2.0 or BLE)
- PIC24FJ256GB206 mcu with internal 256K RAM and ROM
- On board RTC with CR2032 battery
- 2 analog inputs, range regulated with resistor deviders, 3.5mm screw connectors
- 2 analog outputs 0-10V, 3.5mm screw connectors
- 4 opto-coupled digital inputs, 3.5mm screw connectors
- 2 npn outputs
- 2 pnp outputs
- 8 header connectors for buttons with pull-up resistors
- USB full speed support
64MBit flash memory IC
- Loud buzzer
- 12-30V power, internal power management
- fuse, TVS and varistor protection
- power led and mcu controlled led
- connnectors for usart, i2c, spi
- basic C firmware in MPLABX
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