50ohm RF Tee & Pi Filter/Attenuators
Design by: 5204
Four layouts for RF Tee and Pi attenuators/filters.
Contains: 3-component tee section, 6-component tee section, 3-component pi section, 6-component pi section. Use BNC or SMA edge launch connectors. Land patterns for your choice of 0603 components. 50ohm coplanar waveguide (Nominal dimensions: width=0.91mm, gap=0.18mm, height=1.1mm)
All sections are partially cut; to fully separate each section you will need to use a hacksaw in the obvious places.
(Also contains: one long simple track that can be customised or used to check impedance, and one long track with space for BAS70-04 (SOT-23) protection diode to verify effect of diode capacitance.)